I like the idea.
I think we could provide three files:
1. tag usage in default preset
2. tag usage in default map style
3. tag usage in validator rules

2014-09-14 10:04 GMT+02:00 Jochen Topf <joc...@remote.org>:

> Hi!
> Taginfo (taginfo.osm.org) has the "mission" of aggregating all information
> about OSM tag usage and present it to the users. As a part of this, taginfo
> has parsed the JOSM style config files for a long time to present infos
> like this: http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/highway#josm .
> A few weeks back JOSM changed its config files and the parser broke. Since
> then this data has been static.
> I always wanted to extend this to other editors and other uses of OSM tags,
> in maps, routers, etc. But I have realized over time that that approach
> doesn't scale. I can't parse everybodies config file (or look at the source
> code of all these projects) to see which tags are used how. And I can't
> keep up with the changes.
> So I changed the approach: Instead of taginfo having to understand all the
> different formats, I created one simple format in which all projects can
> report to taginfo which tags they are using. The projects generate either
> automatically or manually (or both) a .json file that taginfo pulls in
> daily and integrates into its database.
> Currently this setup is in beta test. You can see it at work at
> http://mercator.openstreetmap.de/projects (or the "behind-the-scenes-look
> at http://mercator.openstreetmap.de/projects";). Or, for instance, the
> info about the highway key here:
> http://mercator.openstreetmap.de/keys/highway#projects
> I have copied over some JOSM infos from the old setup into the new, just to
> show how it could look. But that is just for the beta test. If JOSM wants
> to
> show up in taginfo in the future, you'll have to create this json file and
> give me the URL. A documentation of the format is in the wiki:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Taginfo/Projects . The format is
> intentionally simple and can't reflect all the nuances of the tag usage.
> I see it more as a way to *find* information about tag usage then to
> directly present all of it. That's why there are links back to the project.
> I'd be glad if you can provide such a project file. I don't know enough
> about
> the innards of JOSM, maybe it should be more that one file, one for core
> JOSM, one for each style, maybe one for each plugin? We have to try this
> out and can start small and extend this over time.
> I have not released this taginfo feature yet, because I want to get
> feedback
> from you and others. If you have ideas about the file format, or the
> presentation or other aspects of this feature please tell me.
> Jochen
> --
> Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.jochentopf.com/  +49-721-388298
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