
the accepted students for this year's GSoC have been officially announced [1]. Congratulations to everyone who made it!

Out of the 8 OpenStreetMap projects, 3 are directly related to JOSM:

* Jorge López will create a Mapillary plugin (so we should be catching up with iD now ;) - mentor: Polyglot) * Vadim Varnavsky will implement image filters for TMS/WMS-layers (like brightness, contrast, sharpen; mentor: Dmitry Kiselev) * Michael Zangl is going to speed up the drawing of the main map area in JOSM by using the OpenGL interface for hardware-accelerated rendering (mentor: myself)

These are really exciting projects and I will be looking forward to the results!

[1] <https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2015/AcceptedProjects>


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