Zitat von Dirk Stöcker <openstreet...@dstoecker.de>:

Same issue. I've seen many external hosters dying over time (sourceforge does this right now finally), so relying on an external hoster when we can do it ourself easily is not a good idea.

I agree. But the selection of a hoster is a minor point. (with distributed VCS)

P.S. Maybe I'm simply already to old, but I don't understand that hype around Git. When I came from RCS and SCCS the CVS was a big improvement. SVN was a big improvement over CVS again.

I started with RCS, have used several version control tools, and am still using CVS, SVN, Git. I prefer Git (or Mercurial). When I have to use SVN, I try to use it with git-svn if possible.

But Git is not a followup to SVN but another philosophy. While it has many advantages it has also a set of disadvantages. For me SVN and Git are two different tools and selection which one should be used for a certain project depends on a lot of details.

I guess that's an FAQ theme. Suggestions to use Git pop up here from time to time. I am involved with some other open source project which still uses CVS. I also get requests to move to Git. The main reason for not using Git is that there are scripts that use CVS commands, and I did not have time yet to adapt them to use Git instead of CVS.

For JOSM ATM disadvantages of Git overweight the advantages.

I would like to see a description of the disadvantages in a developers' FAQ list.


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