On 14.04.2017 12:09, Ian Feeney wrote:
If I open JOSM and leave it on the initial start up/welcome screen, then call 
the zoom remote control command as follows:

I get a 200 OK response, but JOSM stays on the welcome screen, it doesn’t go in 
to the main editing screen.

If JOSM is already on the editing screen, and I call the command above it does 
zoom to the correct area.

Is there a way to get JSOM to move on from the welcome screen when using the 
zoom command?

To leave the welcome screen and open the main map view, you normally need at least one layer. The question is, what layer do you expect JOSM to open in this case?

You _can_ ask JOSM to download the area with "load_and_zoom", this will definitely open the map view.


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