Hi Eric,

Thank you for the package name. For openSUSE it is java-openjfx. I was searching for javafx before, but that results in netbeans-javafx, which is not the right thing. I'm able to compile now.


On 2017-07-17 at 04:00 +0200 Eric Ladner wrote:
OpenJDK likely doesn't include JavaFX. It would have to be installed separately. e.g. "sudo apt install openjfx" on Debian based systems.

On Sun, Jul 16, 2017 at 11:02 AM Holger Mappt wrote:


    I guess something is missing in my Java installation, who can point me
    into the right direction? javac is 1.8.0_131 (OpenJDK), Apache Ant(TM)
    version 1.9.4.


      > cd /home/josm/core && ant
    Buildfile: /home/josm/core/build.xml

    error: package com.sun.javafx.application does not exist
          [javac] import com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl;

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