Hello JOSM-dev,

As I use JOSM to map mostly rural areas of the Earth, I often draw minor roads 
(tertiary, unclassified, tracks) and minor water streams (tiny rivers and 
streams). Naturally, they often cross each other. During validation checks 
before committing changes, I always face with the warning that such crossings 
should have a bridge and/or a culvert marked. The problem is, it is 
disproportionally hard to add bridges compared to drawing continuous lines: I 
have to split just drawn water stream in two points, then select its middle 
part going under the road, and finally assign a tag to it. And then to repeat 
almost identical split-select-tag process for the new road.

This workflow interrupts the drawing process and slows me down a lot. Given 
that not drawing small bridges is only a warning, I find myself often tempted 
to ignore it and commit things as is, and not to distract myself. My question 
is: what are ideas to help me and others in such situation?

Solutions that I can see:
1. Do not consider crossings of minor roads with minor streams as a warning 
during validation. 
2. Add a resolution choice into validation window  that splits and assigns 
proper tags to road /water sections. The warning is still shown so that it is 
the person who decides in each case. 
3. Add a tool that does the work when pointed to a road/stream crossing. This 
leaves more control to user, however I estimate it to be more complex to 

Or maybe there is already a similar functionality that can be quickly adapted 
to my needs? 

С наилучшими пожеланиями,
Григорий Речистов.
Best regards,
Grigory Rechistov

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