Done :-)

Le 30/10/2018 à 13:09, Vincent Privat a écrit :
I have invited you to the organization. Then we must follow this procedure:

Le mar. 30 oct. 2018 à 12:40, allierosm < <>> a écrit :


    Sure, I can move the plugin repository to the Github JOSM
    organization, just let me know how to proceed.

    Le 29/10/2018 à 21:29, Vincent Privat a écrit :
    Thanks! I have added a new Trac component "Plugin strava_heatmap"
    and set you as maintainer.
    I have reaffected #16100 to this new plugin.

    I see your plugin defines strings to be translated. Would you
    like to bring this new plugin to the Github JOSM organization?
    This way it's easier for everyone to update plugin translations.
    You will of course remain full admin of the repository.


    Le lun. 29 oct. 2018 à 21:01, allierosm allierosm
    < <>> a écrit :

        Strava heatmap plugin


        I have developed a JOSM plugin that provides access to the
        Strava heatmaps:

        Some month ago Strava has put in place a new authentication
        system on their
        tile server. Since then, only the low-resolution heatmaps are
        available in
        JOSM: At a zoom level > 12, the tile server expects the
        client to provide a
        session cookie.

        As discussed in,
        implementing an
        OAuth connector would be ideal to get access to the
        heatmaps. But until such a connector is implemented a simple
        consists in retrieving the authentication cookies from the
        Strava website
        and setting them in the tile server URL. The plugin I
        developed automates
        this process.

        Any feedback is welcome :-)

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