I normally don't edit compressed files.

Your argument would be perfectly valid (well if we forget that the
entries have to be parsed) if the URLs were stored in a separate file,
as is, bloating a manually curated file, it is bonkers.


Am 03.11.2018 um 16:33 schrieb Dirk Stöcker:
> On Sat, 3 Nov 2018, Simon Poole wrote:
>> The current default preset has 12'214 lines of which roughly 5'564 are
>> used for href attributes in the "link" element. I actually suspect that
>> the number of lines used for the href entries is increasing faster than
>> the actual preset content and it is only a matter of time before they
>> will outnumber the rest. This makes the, already far too large file,
>> larger than necessary and requires continuous maintenance of the entries
>> for no good reason.
> This entries are maintained by an automatic script and most of the
> data is compressed away to zero (remember, JAR is a zipped file format!)
>> If we used a template this could be reduced to 1'500 plus a couple of
>> potential special cases. My suggestion would be to add a "template"
>> attribute to the link element, with a placeholder {country} (or similar)
>> for the two letter iso code plus the colon (including the colon makes
>> adding a special entry for EN unnecessary).
> What you suggest is a more complex approach, which essentially strips
> away the already perfectly compressible parts. Probably the additional
> code required will outweight the save space. So that approach will
> result in the opposite of the wanted goal.
> Ciao

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