>What do you think an ideal Christian family should be like?
>Perhaps you envision a dad who earns the family's only source of
>income and a mom who stays home with their biological children.
>Maybe you even picture a cozy single family house, a dog, and
>idyllic family dinners every evening at 6 o'clock.
>But most families don't fit that profile, and those who don't can
>be every bit as biblically correct as families that match the
>prevailing cultural stereotype of an ideal family. Likewise, some
>families that look "perfect" aren't spiritually healthy.
>So what makes a family a Christian one? Here are some principles
>to consider:
>   *  There is no such thing as a perfect person, and since
>     families are composed of people, no perfect family exists,
>     either.
>   *  The Bible doesn't prescribe specific roles for family
>     members to fulfill. Instead, it charges them with specific
>     responsibilities. For example, family members should love
>     each other, but the way in which they express that love can
>     vary from person to person. If a husband has a talent for
>     cooking and a wife has a talent for auto repair, they are
>     free to serve each other in those ways, even though they
>     differ from cultural stereotypes.
>   *  The Bible doesn't present an ideal family model. In fact,
>     it's full of stories of families who have undergone very
>     human struggles but turned to God for help.
>   *  Doing God's will is more important than focusing on natural
>     family relationships. God should always come first, before
>     family concerns.
>   *  All humans share a heavenly Father, and in that sense, all
>     people are family. Within the body of Christ as well, you
>     have many brothers and sisters that you should cherish just
>     as much as your biological ones.
>   *  It's important to respect everyone in your family as child
>     of God.
>   *  A healthy balance in family life is to provide an atmosphere
>     where both affection and authority are exercised.
>   *  God's forgiveness should encourage all family members to
>     extend grace to one another.
>   *  When a crisis occurs, healthy families should face them
>     honestly, not avoiding the pain, but with hopeful faith that
>     God will get them through it.
>   *  Healthy families expect God to intervene in their lives on a
>     regular basis.
>   *  Spouses in healthy marriages maintain sexual fidelity.
>   *  God wants families to be concerned about the larger world
>     outside their households, sharing God's love with others.
>-- By Live It Editor Whitney
>    A former pastor, Robert M. Hicks has counseled many
>    families. He and his wife Cynthia have three grown
>    children.
>    Adapted from The Christian Family in Changing Times:
>    The Myths, Models and Mystery of Family Life,
>    copyright 2001 by Robert M. Hicks. Published by Baker
>    Book House Company, Grand Rapids, Mich.,
>    www.bakerbooks.com, 1-800-877-2665.

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