Hello Friends,

It is nice to see the discussion on music happening in JOYnet.
Some people have the doubt whether it is worth discussing this topic
in this JOYnet.    Here is an example of an effective discussion
happened some time back in JOYnet.

We had a similar discussion about 'Abortion' some months back
in JOYnet.  Many of us raised many points supporting and against
to establish their stand on the issue, especially about contraception.

We discussed about the possibility of filing a writ under
the clause, PIL (Public Interest Litigation) in the Kerala High court
to ban Abortion in the state.   Now after about an year, I am happy
to see that Shiney has initiated a writ petition in the Kerala High court.
Praise God.   Now we can say that our discussion is bearing fruits.
Please pray for this initiative.  This is going to be a landmark in the
history of Judiciary in India.

Now we need to support this initiative.  Here are some possibilities.

1)   Pray for this inititative.   Pray that we will get a favourable
2)   Those who can support with legal or financial support, please
      come forward.
3)   This is a good opportunity to bring this topic to the mass media.
      Prepare features about this case and about 'Abortion' in general
      and get it published in News papers and magazines and if possible
      get T.V. coverage.   JOYnetters can help in this aspect with
      substantial data in support of this features.  
      Those who are ready, please come up.

Expecting active participation from all of you.

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexy Pallan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2001 2:37 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] filing writ against abortion in Kerala HC

> Helllo joynetters,

I am adv. Shiney Alexy from Cochin, Planning to file a
> writ in the High Court of Kerala against abortion within 2 weeks.
> Preperations are going on. with the help of prolife ministries. I am
> carrying & my due date is on June 30th.

Expecting your prayer support.

> love & prayers
 Shiney Alexy Pallan
 Cochin India

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