Hi Joynetters, 
   Love is in the air.....Is it a decision or emotion??
I think that true love being unconditional has to be a decision. It is
whether you choose to love independent of whatever circumstance you may
be in.
As Paul says on faith that faith devoid of action is lifeless..ie faith
will change our actions so that our actions will start to express our
faith..similarly when you feel love it will transform our actions so
that it'll be expressed.
Emotion is more instinctive and shortlived though it also affects our
There is a role of emotion too...if our decision is backed by our
emotion it will be much easier to make challenging decisions.
True love does not seem natural and so we might face many road blocks in
putting it in action.
We have to have His guidance for true love comes from God.

Here is a song on Love based on the beautiful lines from 1 Corinthians
13. 4-7

Love is patient, love is kind
No eyes of envy, true love is blind
Love is humble, it knows no pride
No selfish motive hidden inside
Love is gentle, makes no demands
Despite all wrong true love still stands,
Love is holy, love is pure
It lasts forever, it will endure

Love knows when to let go
Love knows when to say no
Love grows in the light of the Son
And love shows the world that the Son of Love has come.

Love is loyal, believes the best
It loves the truth, love stands the test
Love is God sent in His Son
Love forgives all we have done.

In this world where hatred seems to grow
True love grows against the flow
And becomes too hard to show

In this world where push turns into shove
We have strength to rise above
Through the power of his love
Lord, we need to know the power of your love.
                                    - by Bob Hartman.

In Christ,

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