faith - one word that means everything which needs no description.

faith - only one thing that keeps a christian alive

christianity - not a mere religion among other different religions where they
worship millions of god we worship one and so on

i proclaim my faith as st peter first did. i believe there is one god and only
one god and only throgh him is life and i remember god's command to go and
preach to every creation in the world - instead of saying "they worship many
gods we worship a god all are same and we should live like this and they
should live like this"

poor missionaries have struggled to carry on his commandment and then, what
they hear is that faith is getting on their nerves.
why did the missionaries and st thomas come to india and convert atleast many
of the idol worshippers here to christians whose descendants deny what god
said and belive in human nature and laws and theories of the world only?

if this is all like that, either st thomas and the saints and missionaries
were fools to obey god or there is something wrong about our views.
i believe no more explanation is needed.

our church accepted nothing from hindu religion.
it accepted certain traditions from the indian culture only by changing the
whole attributes like 7 crosses in thali chain and cross at the top of
'vilakku' and many things like that and india is not the land where hindu
religion originated.

i am sorry if this mail offended anyone but nothing stands between god and
faith. there is no compromise when we christians who know what god has done
for us and has commanded us, speaks against it by the name of human thoughts.

being open minded is one thing but shutting our eyes to the truth is another
thing. god told the pharasies "if you were blind, your sins would have been
lesser but you see and hear, so your sins are great"

why should we make ourselves blind when all the truth lies before us that even
a simple man can understand, but only if he has the faith.

i hate to write the following paragraph but it is necessary to remind that
laws and theories of thius world is different than laws of god.

satan worship is becoming very popular and popular nowadays from america to
even vatican and our small kerala.
this religion is in a way better than or holier than any other religion - if
we think in the human "open mind" - other religions have many gods this has
only one named satan, others divide people into many tribes, this doesn't and
so on. what is this? utter nonsense. we know that but still reject to accept
the truth.

why do we think we are judging others, when we want christians to stay away
from evil and those who are away from god to be near him?
remember, we must share our belief with others.
if we think "i will live in my faith. let him live in his faith who cares? "
and like that, then there is no need of addressing ourselves as 'christians'
for god said
"love your neighbour as you love yourself" and how can i love our neigbours if
we donot want those of our brothers who are unaware of god and what he did to
the human kind?

i have proof of what is said here and i take true belief to only those taught
by the holy see as true for i am a christian and i believe god teaches the
holy see which he himself created uponm the 1st pope st peter.

what is harder for a missionary or a christian? to preach christianity among
idol worshippers satan worshippers pagans or those who worship anything that
is not lord god
or to preach among fellow christians who speak against the truth?

roman ctholic preist martin luther made the "great reformation" and took
millions of souls with him to hell for, when a christian who knows what is
true, permanently goes away from the way of god, it is nearly impossible to
get him back.

we know many who made false theories or spoke against the teachings of god,
bible and the holy see (they were all christians wanting their own theory)
whom the holy see cursed as heretics and herecies for they lure others to hell
for hell is real.
when the holy see curses, god himself curses becasue noone but lord god is the
supreme ruler, teacher and judge of the holy see. we all know this.

so lets us all stand in our faith forever and proclaim our faith, for

"if anyone feels ashamed about me, i will feel ashamed of him when i come with
my angels in clouds to judge everyone"
"he who holds on to his faith will be rewarded the crown of success"

let us believe in the word of god for god is word.

is there any christain who is ashamed about god's words or the holy see's
is there any christian who is 'bored' of being a christian?
is there any christian who wants to save himself from evil but not his

then he is not a christian, he is just the disciple of satan, for he is
helping satan in every way he can, becasue he is(was) a christian who
know(knew) god.

Thank You


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