I was reading over my message, and I realized I didn't write a major point 
to my thoughts on this topic.  If you forgot or didn't read my previous 
message, I would ask that you scroll to the bottom and read it, or else you 
may be completely lost with this.

I had compared a proud person to a tree at the top of a mountain.  The tree 
at the top of a mountain doesn't receive the water it needs to live; the 
water just washes over the tree/roots and then runs down the mountain.  It 
doesn't stay to sustain the tree.  Likewise, when somebody corrects a 
person, a proud person will never accept the correction- it will just 'wash' 
off the person and run down to nowhere-land.  They will stay the same and 
never grow.  A humble person is likened to a tree in the valley: a humble 
person will accept the correction.  They will at least listen to what is 
said and think about it; correction will not wash off a person w/ humility.

Again, it goes back to arrogance and open-mindedness.  The proud person will 
be arrogant and think, "I don't need any correction!  I do it all the best 
way, so there is no reason for anyone to correct me!"  or they will think, 
"How dare they correct me!  I know everything!"  A humble person, on the 
other hand, will thank the person that gave the correction, think about what 
is said and figure out if it really is good or not.  In short, they're 

And to save the best for last, the most important reason why we should not 
be proud:
If you are proud, you are relying on your own strength.  Your sense of 
self-sufficiency, your self-centeredness and your intellectual pride will 
prevent God from coming into your life.  SINCE YOUR MIND AND HEART ARE 
ALREADY FULL GOD CANNOT FILL THEM AGAIN.  It is very simple to understand.  
This paragraph inspired me when I was discouraged.  If you're discouraged, 
it means that you are proud.  If you're proud... well, go back to the top of 
this paragraph and read it again.  It's easy to understand.  I got this 
paragraph from a friend of mine.  I didn't think this part up, so I can't 
take credit for the best part of my message.  :-)

With that I shall close my writing on this topic.  I hope I have not put the 
reader to sleep.  Thank you for your patience, and thank you for reading!

In Christ,

Philadelphia, PA

|---------------Original Message---------------|
I was just driving into work this morning and a couple thoughts came to mind
that I thought I should share here.  As always, my emails get long, but I
try to summarize it in a couple words at the very end (Fortune
cookie-esque).  If you don't want to read the whole thing, scroll to the
bottom and read the summary.

Ever since I could remember, my Mom always told me, "Any seed planted at the
top of a mountain will never grow, but a seed planted in the valley will
become a great old tree, giving great shade and comfort to all."  When it
rains, the water immediately runs down the mountain into the valley.
Anything growing at the top of the mountain never receives enough
nourishment to grow much.  Plants in the valley get all it needs from the
water, so it grows alot.

So what does this mean?  If we put ourselves above others (a seed at the top
of the mountain), we will never grow.  If we put others above us ( a seed in
the valley), we will grow so much that in the end, we will automatically be
put above others (the tree grows so much that the top of the tree is high
above the rest).

We must be humble in all things.  If we are not humble, it means that we are
proud.  Being proud means that you're showing too great self-esteem.  In
short, being arrogant is almost the same as being proud.  Pride tends to
lead a person into self-centeredness and selfishness.  A person who is
arrogant and proud puts themselves first before everyone else.  They also
think that whatever they do is best, and anything done any other way is
wrong or not good enough.

God says in the Bible to be humble.  In Ecclestiastes, Solomon says that it
is better to sit at the lowliest seat at the table and be moved to a better
seat than to sit at the head of the table and be put down.  Christ says that
those who put themselves first in this world will be the last to enter the
Kingdom of God, and those who put themselves last in this world will enter
the Pearly Gates first.  He also tells us the Parable of a Pharisee and a
Tax-Collector.  In this Parable, the Pharisee stands in the front of the
altar, and practically boasts of how he gave sacrificed and prayed, he
follows the commandments and is a leader to the community.  In the back of
the Temple stood a Tax-Collector.  This man is down on his knees, face to
the ground, begging God's forgiveness for all he has done wrong.  Christ
goes on to tell us that in the Eyes of God, the Tax-Collector (who is known
as being a big sinner) has more favor than the Pharisee.  I'm not as
thorough w/ my Bible studies as I should, but I have yet to find or hear a
place in The Book where God says that pride is a good thing.  (This is one
point that the Bible doesn't contradict itself in any place.  If I'm wrong,
please do correct me.)

We should not think that the way we do, see or hear things is the best and
only way in the world.  As someone else recently said, we should be
openminded.  A narrowminded person tends to be arrogant.  That doesn't
always mean that a humble person is open-minded, but it's usually the case.

Being open-minded does not mean that we should not stand for what we
believe.  We should stand for what we believe, but also listen to what
others say, learn from them and respect it.  Show them the theory in our
beliefs and maybe they'll see it our way.  If what each person says
contradicts each other so much, go to the books, learn about it, pray, and
find out what really is the best.  Whoever is wrong should be humble enough
to admit it and change.  Each person is unique and has their right to have
their unique beliefs.  So respect it.  I believe that is what God would want
of us.

(Y'know, I feel like all my emails say the same thing over and over again.
Am I wrong on this?)

SUMMARY:  Be humble and open-minded.

And that Mummy always knows best.  :-)

In Christ,

Philadelphia, PA

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