"The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice", Proverbs 23:24


Today in America, people celebrate

Father's Day. This is a day to honor the Fathers. I am sure tomorrow
people are going to greet me too in the Church " Happy Father's Day"


Joseph Lonth gave a good input about being a father and the dignity of
being the father.

God respected the parents and rightly so God gave a commandment asking us
to respect our Father and Mother. The fathers and Mothers are that
important. Sharing God's work, and that is sharing the creative ministry
of God . Sharing such

a ministry is a higly respected one and God has mandated due respect to
that ministry and people in the said Apostolate.

God has invited us to respect our fathers

. The Book of proverbs tells us about the joy of being a father and what
makes the fathers happy and celebrated people. It is the children and the
mothers who make some men fathers. Some fathers are proud of their
chidlren where as some are not. To the proud ones I would say " You
deserve it" and to the fathers who are not so happy about their children
I would say " You did your best but keep doing the best you can.."


At times children are exact copies of the parents

. If the children won't follow us, there is something basically wrong in
our life. The children are very intelligent. Some children or most of the
children surpass their fathers in intelligence. They wach you do things
and ask themselves " How different I could function being a father"


This mornig one gentleman phoned me and told me of a conversation he had
with his son . The son is in the first grade or so.

" I will be a different dad to my children" the seven years old boy has
said. At this young age that son is already thinking about his own
children and how he could be different and effective from his dad. It all
happened when this Dad spank the boy in the Indian style. The boy got mad
and reacted but later the dad and the son became friends.


I think such experiences are nothing strange in our lives. We have heard
similar comments and complaints in our families. We ourselves may have
said such things about our fathers and to our fathers.


Today all the fathers are entitled to rejoice. You work hard You grow
gray and or bald, burn your strength in order to look after the children.
God Bless all the fathers. May your children delight in you

"and he who begets a wise
child will delight in him". Proverbs 23:24


Happy Fathers Day


Fr Thomas



I like to include the mail from jopseph Lonth as an addendum

Sunday, June 17, 2001

Happy Fathers

Read: Proverbs 23:15-24

The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice, and he who begets a
child will delight in him. Proverbs 23:24

Bible In One Year: Psalm 70-72

Some people have attributed to Mark Twain the statement, When I was a
of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man
around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man
had learned in 7 years.

The attitude of children toward their parents changes as they grow older.
Some young people show little respect for their fathers and mothers. Its
disheartening to see this. But as they mature, many begin to recognise
Mom and Dad knew a lot more than they gave them credit for.

On the other hand, some young people come to realise with deep regret
that if they had followed the counsel of their parents they could have
avo! ided much heartache both for themselves and their family. The Bible
says, Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise:
that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.
(Ephesians 6:1-3) The book of Proverbs counsels, Listen to your father
begot you The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice, and he who
begets a wise child will delight in him. (23:22,24)

Remember wise children make happy fathers! RWD

Above all else that you can do
To make your father proud of you,
Be diligent, be kind, be wise
Such traits are priceless in his eyes. Fasick

Your parents brought you up; dont let them down.

>From the mail of Joseph Lonth


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