When you find yourself wishing that your life were different, what
is it you wish for? 
        If you're like most people, you might wish for financial security.
If only my boss would reward my hard work and loyalty with a big raise or
        If only I could buy the lucky lotto ticket next week. 
        If only I could come up with an invention that would make me the
envy of the entrepreneurs and a sure-fire bet to light up the Nasdaq with an
dazzling IPO (Initial Public Offering). 
        Seeking priceless treasures 
        I'm not a fan of bumper-sticker theology, but recently I saw a
powerful retort to the familiar treatise, "He who dies with the most toys...
Wins." It simply said: "He who dies with the most toys... Still dies. " 
Money itself is not evil, but the LOVE OF MONEY is a blood-lust that can
never be satisfied. Look at I Timothy 6:17-19 for a better idea of the
priceless treasures we should be about the business of amassing - and giving

George Fernandes

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