"So if anyone is in Christ Jesus,there is a new creation;everything old has passed 
away; see everything has become new"(2 Cor. 5:17)

Yes,its true when we look back.We all are renewed in Christ Jesus.

Purely a new creation.

She is a beautiful creation

She experiences the true happines.

Also the LOVE(which has a lots of specialities and newness...........)

When we look to the world ,standing in this beautiful ,loving Gods kingdom we become 

"Oh!I was in this dirty pit"

We feel so much sympathy/empathy when we see our brothers and sisters  strugling in 
that world

Yes, that is the moment we starts our grpwth towards Christ who is the head.

Yeh,Christain leadership starts from the knees.

*Prayer: As we know it is the time when we share our ideas with the Lord & pray about 

*Meditation:In this time God speaks to us. God shares His ideas with us. Then we come 
to the conclusion about what to do?when to do? how to do?to build up God's Kingdom.

*Activity:Here we execute the ideas which Lord gives us,with the help of the Holy 

So, we build up God's Kingdom by doing all three!!!!!!

We share with God,God shares with us and we carry out His plans. 

We declare with Apostle Paul" I have fought my 
fight,Ihave finished my race,I have keep the 

Hey wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where we should start first????????????

>From knees??????????

Did we stood in knees???????????

Or we sraight way jumped into activity??????????

Think about it!!!!!!!!!

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