Regarding Salvation I have something to share.

 Salvation is an experience and a state of life.
 Salvation is individual.
 Life is not a game and Salvation is not the last moment goal.
 Salvation is an ongoing process.
 Salvation means to re-link us with God and experience the love of God.
 Salvation is the life of grace.
 Salvation is not only a life after death but it can also be experienced 
during our life in this world. 
 Salvation is not like getting a pass to enter into a movie house but it is a 
day by day growth in spiritual life.

Also I wish to say that,
 JESUS is the ONE and ONLY Savior.
 There is no alternative for JESUS.
If we say that there are many ways to get salvation then there is no need of 
evangelization and even there is no need of a mailing list like JOYNET.
If Christianity is ONE of the ways to salvation then there is no need of a church also.
If somebody things that there is no difference between Christianity and other religion 
means we failed to witness our Lord Jesus Christ. That is why Gandhiji said:  I love 
Christ but not Christians.
Let us proclaim our Lord to all nations.
Jesus is the only judge. He will come again to judge the living and the dead. So it is 
NOT our duty to judge the other religious people. God has a definite plan for each and 
everyone. The big command to us is: Go and proclaim Good News to all creations.
Let Jesus judge.

Let us pray!
Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts with your holy gifts.
Assist us, O Holy Spirit, in all the trials of life, 
enlighten us in our ignorance and advise us in our doubts, Amen.

With love and prayer,
Biju Antony/ Kuwait.



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