Poor Widow's offering . Part 1

" I assure you that this poor widow has given more than anyone else" Luke

I know of a Caballero family in California. ( The names in this story are
fictitious ). Mr and Mrs Caballero had many problems. Mrs. Caballero goes
to church daily. That family went through financial and many other
problems. They were in the verge of break up, lost three of their
children to drugs and alcohol, one of their sons disappeared some years
back and is still missing. They were away from God. Mr. Caballero
struggles to have faith in God. Mrs Caballero tried to love God and she
asked me one day

" Why me .. Why God loves me this way".

Mr. Caballero never trusted in God and more besides, he puts all hurdles
so his wife may not go to church.

" I can't love my God. I can't go to Church" Mrs. Caballero comes and
cries. We pray together and she goes home peacefully to return again with
heavy heart and problems.

I remember her dobt " Why God loves me so harshly"

She finds the love of God so difficult to bear. There are moments she
almost gave up. At one point she thought of suicide but she looked at
life differently. " I want to live to give strength to my husband to my
children who are broken", she says.

She wants to love God but can't. She wants to find God's love but fails.
God is present in her life but she finds it difficult to feel God's love.


She read the Gospel of St. Luke and was impressed by the love offering of
that poor widow. She said to me one day " I want to give my God everythig
I have but I can't. I simply don't know how to love God. " She finds
herself helpless to love God. The widow in the Bible gave everything and
Jesus remarked to the disciples

" she gave more than anyone else" Luke 21.3


This incident where Jesus watched the people giving their offerings at
the treasurey is very interesting. It is as though Jesus and the
disciples had a dog day afternoon. Jesus being a Jew knew the mentality
of the Jewish people.

He wanted the Jewish people to recognize and to acknowledge their

The Israelites kept watching one another

. It could also be that among them there was an attitude of giving to be
noticed by the others. No wonder Jesus stressed the fact that " Donot
give alms to be noticed" Jesus said in yet another place " don't your
left hand know what the right hand does".

I think Jesus heavily criticized the mentality of the

Jews who pretended to be Holy and perfect. Many people do acts of
chatrity to be seen. Many of the Jews have performed ablutions and many
other customs so that the others might know that they are in fasting and
prayer. Jesus didn't recognize their attitudes as healthy . Jesus asked
such pretentious people to pray in private so that the Father who sees
their hearts will reward them in priovate. God was the main theme for the
Israelites although many of them didnt have God experience.

No wonder it is said in the Bible "

This generation gives me only lip service". I think it is true even
today. Many of us want to please others by giving charity. Many of us are
Sunday Christians who nominally practice our Faith. Jesus is inviting us
to turn away from our intellectual approach to faith and morals and to
repent and return to the Lord in thoughts, words and actions. God wants
us to be Christians in name and in deed.

To be continued in part 11 of

The widow's mite

Thomas Mathew


July 19 2001.


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