The Poor widow's mite part 11

I assure you this poor widow has put in more than all

the rest." Luke 21. 3.

(Part 1 dealt with the attitude of the Jewish People and the call from

Jesus to change the attitudes of the Jewish people


During the life time of Jesus, people gave alms to be noticed

and they Preferred seats of respect at banquets and prominent places
where people gathered. . Jesus had harsh words about the leaders of that
time who went around inviting attention to themselves. I am not
criticizing the public relation's aspect in human nature where in leaders
have the capabiity to withstand tense situations an ordinary person might

fail to handle. They might be able to maintain a cool disposition in the
midst of troubles.

The point

here is an attitude of inviting attention to themselves to satisfie their
selfishness. Jesus addressed such pretentious Godless people as brood of
wipers. They didnt care about people. Their concern was to please
themsleves. All they thought about was their own preferences and
satisfaction. They were materialistic and yet looked very spiritual.
Jesus had the ghuts to call them white washed tombs

People walked with them unaware of their capriciousness and fall

into traps and or destroyed. Jesus couldn't compromise with such

people and their attitudes. Jesus called them to change their life

styles. Jesus asked them to turn away from sins and return

to God. No wonder they crucified jesus.

Jesus asked those selfrighteous people to change their


The Spirituality of Jesus was different from that of

the ordinary Jew. The ordinary Jew was proud of their heritage.

They claimed that their father was Abraham and they thought that

Heaven was their birthright, just being born as a Jew. From my

the Jewish people formed an exclusive community and it was enough

to be born into the Jewish community to be saved. I think similar

attitude is evident among Christian communitties. People think that

just by Baptism, salvation was effected and no one other than catholics
will be saved was an erroneous attitude the people held for many

I think the same attitude is prevelent among people. My intention is to

or not to criticize their position, rather to communicate the idea

that Jesus was not so pleased with such attitudes among

the Jewish people. If Jesus is against who could be for such a

spirituality? Jesus wanted a thorough change in attitude,

commitmant and Spirituality. When I mention Spirituality it is

multi-faceted. But all the angles could be focused on a single

challenge and that is the ability to be focused on God.

When one generates within himself or herself the capability

to be focused on God, to be tuned to God, God's Spirit will lift such a
person and the Triune God will find an abode in such a human kind.


Coming back to the offering of the Widow

, she offered

everything she had. Giving everything to God pleases God.

Giving everything to a person pleases a human

being. Much more than that, God will be plesased when we offfer
everything to God. God wants us to love God with all our strength and
with all our might and we are invited to love the others as we love
ourselves. I think the whole law and prophets is based on this love

To be Continuesd in part 111

Fr.Thomas Mathew


July 20/2001.


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