I thankyou all for clearing my doubts.
I know it was god who was talking through you all. And I know that all these 
experience of mine is gods own will. I know I am my masters donkey and let Him work 
on me according to his will. I am bold enough to proclaim by Lords kingdom.
    A second experience at Navajeevan.
I had a chance to carry a babyboy when I was at Navajeevan last week. His name was 
Amal and he was only 8months old. Mr.Aneep who was at the office introduced Amal as a 
baby who havent laughed after his 2 weeks stay at Navajeevan. His mother left him 
there, as he was illegally born. I hope that lady might had very tough times, because 
she was send away from her house when she was pregnant and will only accept her if she 
leave babyAmal. So she had to leave him. On our first meeting itself Amal became very 
close to me. I was carrying him the whole day at Navajeevan. And in the evening,when I 
was to return home Aneep asked me if  u love Amal that much u can take him home as he 
need an homely atmosphere. Usually babies wont be allowed to grow there as diseases 
frm other patients will be spread to these babies. And there was 2 babies, which they 
got 2 weeks before and they were going to be shifted to an orphanage after 3 weeks. 
The other one was only 2 weeks and nobody know any!
ing abt her parents.
           Though Aneep asked me as a joke (I guess).. I took the joke as a challenge. 
I was afraid to ask abt Amal because my daddy never liked such sort of acts from me 
and he always hated these jy activities till a month before. After a lot of prayers I 
told my parents abt Amal and asked them shall we take him for 2 weeks? the answer 
was yes. That was my happiest moment in my life and I was crying..  I was crying coz 
of Gods miracle, as far as my family setup is considered it was a miracle.  And then 
came my daddys first visit to Navajeevan. These all were castle in the air for me. 
    Amal was 3 days with us. He was no longer a baby who doesnt know to laugh.  
Yesterday a call came from Navajeevan ..saying that nuns will be coming from an 
orphanage next day and he will have to be returned. I know all of us were very sad coz 
we all wants him to stay atleast a week. Today Ive  seen a thing which my eyes could 
not believe, daddy carrying Little Amal!!. (Daddy hated to carry babies and I had 
heard from my Amma that he seldom took us when my brother and myself were babies). I 
heard discussions for adopting Amal. But we had to send him with the nuns and they 
said there are lots of parents who doesnt have children, and as they are ready for 
adoption they wont give him to parents who has got children. Mr.P.U. Thomas has 
assured as telling that we can think abt it after 6 months. If its Gods will he will 
come back to us 
             After this incidence I was aware how precious are my parents. There was a 
time when I hated them and disobeyed them. My daddy is the greatest dad for me coz 
with out his permission Amal will not come to our home. You can all imagine how 
difficult it is to take care of an 8 months baby.. but my Amma never complained.  
        Know what I was trying to tell was, we all have great responsibility regarding 
such children. I dont mean that we should all adopt children, but it is not a 
difficult deed for us to visit an orphanage or such trusts and mingle with them and 
give loving and caring to them or atleast smile at them. They dont want our money or 
sympathy but love.  Remember most us have many around us to care and love but they 
dont have anybody,but God. We all are accountable to God and these kids. Each and 
Every soul is precious to God.
    May the good good bless all such babies and plz do pray for Amal and all other 
babies like Amal.
Love and prayers,
Kerala/ India. 

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