Hi all !
I am Fr. Rafi Kootumkal from Ecuador missions.
Glad to send you mails again. I have been in a place
from where it was impossible to send emails. Now I am
back again.
Today I went to a remote village of our mission. It is
a really a mission area  with thick forest and hills.
The people who live there are mainly shepherds. When
we entered the village the guide told us that there is
a death in a family, a child is dead. So we went in
search of that house. It was a small hut, on four
wooden pillars, alone, on the top of a hill. But when
we reached there we could not find any one. So we
stayed outside the house for some time. Then came a
young man who introduced himself as the father of the
dead child. We asked him:" Can we enter your house?"
He allowed us. When we entered, we saw the dead body
of a small girl on a white cloath. Inside the house
there was none except the dead child. I went out and
invited the father of the child to come and pray with
us for his daughter. But he refused to come. Then I
asked him:"What is the name of the child"? To my
surprise he said:" I don't know. You ask its mother".
He was not angry with us. He really meant it, he did
not know the name of his child!
After a prayer we started our mission journey again,
with gloomy faces. Every one felt sad for that little
When I write this mail her face is in front of me. May
the Good Lord who knows everything give her eternal
reward. Please pray for her.

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