--- Received from VTC9.LIZY +91 80 2266426/7            01-07-27 09:28

Dear Friends in Christ,

The following are the thanksgivings and prayer requests of this week.
Send in your prayer requests and Thanksgivings to

Love and prayers,

Lizy / Bangalore.


Anand castelino-Thanking all of you for the prayers.

Susan-Thanking all of you for your prayers, My Husband got a Job and
my son is feeling better.

Majie-I would love to thank each and everyone for their prayers. I
have been made permanent in my present job

Cucoo-Thanks to your prayers and Jesus' mercy our friend Beena George
has gone through the heart surgery very well. She's been brought home
and is recovering slowly.

Jom Jose-Thankyou for your kind prayers offered to me.


Pradeep-Pls pray that i find the right life partner in life, And i am
also looking for a break through in my career

Babymanuel-please pray for the kattappana zonal prayer group leaders

Shummy Antony-Please pray for me to get a better job.

Aroor Jesus Youth-JY of aroor is arranging one day program on 12/08/01

Sheril-Pls pray for my family so that we may come out of our finical

Robby Francis-Please pray that my father will come to know Christ and
to be baptized as Catholic.

Jayesh George-Pls pray  that we will be gifted with a child

Jimson-Pls pray for me to get a good Job

Francesca Khouw- Pray for my Christians Indonesian friends who have
asked me to pray for their country for God's protection and peace.

Jinto-Pray for the all retreat team from different parts of s
india,the 250 students all the staffs Christians noon Christians it is
our first retreat in mysore

Emmanuel Parathazham-Pls pray that i find the Divine Love and also
start loving others.

Mrs.Rajan-Pray that we will be able to buy a property so that we can
build a house to dwell

Santhosh mathew-Pray that i find a suitable job for my self.

Bensilal-Please pray for my wife who will have a surgery on August
23rd to remove the
cyst that has found in the Uterus.

Bro.Sajan-Pray for me for the comrehencive exam of theology, and also
for my niece who is suffering from Child T.B. and other niece who is
suffering from speaking difficulties.

Biju -Please pray for my sister and other 200 people who had been
cheated by a fraud in connection with their job  aboard...

George john- Need to get rid of my addiction, Pls pray for my sister
who is suffering from Chicken Pox, and also to love my parents and my

Sajith- Pls pray that my family is always blessed in all pursuit.

Welchy-Pls pray for my friends Irma & Micheal and Ancy & Savio who are
going to be wedded soon.

Thomas Kutty-Pls pray that i find a rented house soon which will suit
on to my budget.


---- 01-07-27 09:28 ---- Sent to       -------------------------------
  -> joynet(a)jesusyouth.org

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