Hi JYs.....

The topic on Tithin is really a refreshing one......... Dr. Sindhu i do
remember a similar discussion held.......... I do remember that there were
two sets of people........... One set of people who felt that..........
since it is God who gives us..... why should we give it back to him..... God
has given for our use...............The other ....... set of people......
felt that............... since it is God who gives us..... everything is
rightfully his........ so even 10% seems less...........

While it was difficult to resolve the first set of people...... the second
set of people..... felt it was a joy to give.......... then a survey was
taken among the two sets...... and what was found to be surprising was that
most ....... of the people in the first set..... were people
who..........earned a relativley high payscale.......... and the people in
the second set were people who....... earned a relatively low
payscale..........were basically the ordinary working class..............

However I have noticed one thing....... that when people talk about
Tithe........ they only think in regard of giving 10% of their earnings to
God........... I remember during one of the retreat at Divine, it was
specifically that not only 10% of our salary but atleast  10% of our time as
well should be given to God......... hmmm now let me see.......... how many
of us can spend 2.4 hrs with God out of 24 hrs in a day. 10% of our lives
dedicated to the lords work....... that makes 36.5 days.... a year......
gosh....  i remember the discussion some of us youth had........ after the
talk when we had to break up for tea..... many of them had already resigned
to their faith that spending 2.4 hrs a day doing gods work or even 36.5 days
was impossible. Then when some of us had gone to the Brother who had given
the talk.......... he told us how simple it was............ he said if we
went for mass daily.......... read the bible daily....... said the rosary
daily.......... and said our personal prayers........ we can make up.....
2.4 hrs a day ........... Then we asked him........ how do we spend 36.5
days in a year with the lord........ he said........ there are atleast 52
Sundays in a year............ out of 52 Sundays cant we atleast spend 37
totally with him doing his will. ........ Wot is 37 sundays as compared to
313 weekdays where we spend time on our jobs , entertainments etc.

I remember a retreat which I had gone for at Kalyan and the Rev. Father
incharge there was giving an example on Tithing which went like this:

After one of my talks on tithing, a young man came up to me with a problem.
He told me "Father when I was earning a salary of Rs. 1000 I used to
regularly give a tithe of Rs. 100. Then I got a promotion and very soon
another promotion and now my salary is Rs. 10,000. Now Father if I am to
give tithe it will come to Rs. 1000/-.... my god... that is a big amount.
Please pray Father that God may work something out". So I prayed for that
young man and I prayed like this "Oh Heavenly Father you have been so kind
enough on my brother here. However he is in a bit of bother. You see.....
when he was earning Rs. 1000/- he was in a position to give you 10% of his
earning as Tithe. However, now look at him ... after you have blessed him
with a bigger salary he is finding it difficult to pay you 10% and it is
making him sad. Hence please make his salary Rs. 1000/- again."

..... hehe... it seems........... the man got up with a shock.. and.........
he asked Father Mathew for forgiveness.

However, what affects me on Tithing is that there are some parishes that I
have come to know about.... where the Parish Priest has actually gone door
to door........... demanding Tithe from the parishners...........  I do
believe giving Tithe depends solely on an individual....... even though it
is required by our faith.

In this regard I need your views.........do correct me if i am wrong in some
aspects :)

urs in faith

Jason, Mumbai

----- Original Message -----
From: Shimmy J. Charles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jesus Youth World Wide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2001 8:54 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] Tithing!!

> Dear Friends in Jesus
> So happy to find a beautiful topic discussed on Joy net.
> Thank you Dr. Sindhu for letting the fire blaze.
> I have hardly heard any body sharing about Tithing.....even in our prayer
> groups.
> Don't know why every body take it as an Orthodox practice!!
> People are spending some money, but nobody checks whether it is coming to
> at least 10%....they don't want to call it a 'tithing'.
> We need to spread this good practise....
> What Dr. Sindhu shared is exactly true, if all JY's can maintain there
> tithing account properly, they don't have to run for money before and
> each program.
> I have a little doubt, if somebody knows the exact thing do share.
> Once I heard somewhere that "the amount we spend in the name of tithing
> should be purely for evangelisation purpose!"
> It doesn't include the money we give for charity....helping the poor and
> needy.
> Is it true??
> Please do share...
> Keep tithing....
> Prayers
> Shimmy
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