Dear Friends,

Many people believe in temperance, being moderate in the consumption of
alcoholic beverages, but are strongly opposed to excessive drinking. The
safest, most scriptural answer is complete abstinence, for temperance may
get broader than one can control.

Now this example of Jesus changing water to wine (John 2:1-11) has often
been used in discussions, with the point being put that the Saviour gave
permission for wine at a wedding. What kind of wine did Jesus create in John
2? The Greek word is 'oinos' meaning grape juice while the word for
intoxicating liquor is 'shekar'. Can we find the 2 words in some verse. Lets
look at Luke 1:15, "For he(John the Baptist) shall be great in the sight of
the Lord, and shall drink neither wine (oinos) nor strong drink (shekar)."
Prov.20:1, "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is
deceived thereby is not wise." God doesn't want us to be deceived by liquor.

So I would agree to ABSTINENCE(no drinking) rather than TEMPERANCE(moderate


George Fernandes.

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