I am asking for prayer for my son. He is fighting a drug addition. He was
doing good for the last month or so and for some reason he keeps the door open
for the devile to keep telling just one more time. He went out again last
night and came back today very mad at all of us. I know that this is one of
the after affects of the drug, but so how it was different today. His wife and
I fast and pray for him every Thursday and we did that today, but again today
was different. The Holy Sprit lead to my computer tonight to ask for pray,
because the Lord is about to do somthing in his life and I can feel it. So
please pray with me for my son Anton Campbell. Thank you,
Diana Campbell [EMAIL PROTECTED]


My name is Ethel. I want you to pray for Pauline Roe, 8 years old, who was hit
by a vehicle in front of my house, after dashing into the street to get to the
other side to see her friend. The vehicle that hit her, belongs to one of my
neighbors, and, boy! does he feel bad about what he did, though it was only an
accident. Pauline is at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, in a coma, coming out
of it, but, slowly, not able to recognize her family at this time. This took
place while I was at Church and my husband, Lloyd was elsewhere taking care of
Ethel White business.



My nephew Andy has been in a tragic motor vechicle accident while stationed in
germany he has contuisions of the brain and severe lung blister damage and is
on a ventalitor, he is fighting for his life, need prayer for him and his
parents (lois douglas)



Please pray for my mother's salvation and her deliverance from the powers of
Several weeks ago, I observed my 73 years old natural mother tainting my 80
years old natural father's orange juice with I believe a poison. As a result,
my father was hospitalized for a week. Rather than living at home with my
mother, my dad is now in a board and care facility due to the recommendations
from the attending physician and the Adult Protective Service.
I believe my mother wants my father who has Alzheimer "dead" in order to
collect on his life insurance and not have to pay for the exorbitant cost of
his care at a nursing facility.
No evidence of poisoning was obtained and I did not want to pursue charges
against my mother. Of course, she denied my allegation when I privately
confronted her and is saying to everyone that I must be having some kind of
break down to have accursed her of trying to kill my dad.
I now believe she has paid someone to kill me by working witchcraft against me
so that she can continue with her more cautious plans against my dad.
In addition to praying for my mother's salvation and her deliverance from the
powers of darkness as she is not saved, please cover my mother as well as my
father with the blood of Christ Jesus because these evil spirits made be
attacking them well as myself.

I urgently need deliverance from evil spirits that have been tormenting me for
14 years.
I have an urgent need for healing (big time). Lost health 14 years ago when
evil spirits started tormenting me. With healing I need to lose 120 pounds.
I urgently need a permanent job, and immediate prosperity (money) in order to
pay three months rent or face eviction.
I am a born again believer in Christ Jesus. I've been standing against these
attacks but have grown very weary. I need a lot of help to stand as I am very
tire and depressed. Help, Lord Jesus? I need your miracles right now.
Thank you, Velva Garrett [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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