Hey guys there's a some talk going on about drinking...

here's what i saw once written in calligraphy and framed in one of my 
friends room...

Those who drink, Go to sleep,
Those who sleep do not sin,
those who do not sin Go to Heaven... So lets all drink (and go to heaven) :)

about drinking, here's what i feel, the journey of a thousand miles begins 
with the first step..We've all seen people who started out very confident in 
this area just for company sake.. and end up in a catastrophic downward 

i personally as a Jesus youth will not dabble with alcohol.

by the way i drink a lot, im a waterholic!!! lol:) (about 10ltrs a day!!)

Love in Jesus,


>From: "Jason Herbert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Drinking - reply to Christine's mail
>Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 12:22:45 +0530
>I do agree with Smiju......... i mean like music......... the viles of
>drinking can be debated upon 4ever..... and wot could be even worse is
>that....... there are many who use to bible to support their claim..... I
>was remember reading an Article in the Don Bosco Madonna and there it was
>written that in those days....... wine wasnt treated as an alcohol.........
>wot the bible actually spoke abt wine was that it was used as a digestive
>when people ate food..... times have changed..... in those days..... u had
>wine.... today in the same way  we drink water after we eat our
>food.........its not that in those day they didnt have water.... just that
>wine was more preferred....... the bible condemned the consumption of wine
>in the context of it being used as an Alcohol........
>urs in faith
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Smiju Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Jesus Youth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2001 11:48 AM
>Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Drinking - reply to Christine's mail
> > Dear Christine
> >
> > I don't know I am right or wrong. If it is wrong
> > excuse me. Comming to the point. It felt me like that
> > u wrote this mail to justify something:) I don't know
> > what it is.
> > Do you know one thing.. if we argue on this subject we
> > will never get into a conclusion. Yes, we can find
> > words from bible which supports and objects drinking.
> >
> > Just we should ask a simple question. Which is good
> > drinking alcohol or not drinking ? (It should be 'Yes'
> > or 'No' no other statements) and the other one is what
> > moral we give to the society by drinking ?
> > find the answer.
> >
> > with lots of lov & prayers
> > smiju joseph, abu dabhi
> >
> > Praise God
> > with lots of lov & prayers
> > smiju joseph, abu dhabi
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- Christine Antony <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > Here's a thought: if God so disliked drinking, would
> > > Christ have turned
> > > water into wine at the Wedding Feast of Canaan?
> > > It's not like He would do
> > > that if drinking was something that God disapproved
> > > of, right?  Or why would
> > > Christ change water and wine into his blood?  Why
> > > not change pure water into
> > > his divine blood, why wine?  Wine has more alcoholic
> > > content than beer.
> > > Water is much more accessible than wine in many
> > > parts of the world.  So why
> > > would Christ do that if it were wrong?
> > >
> > > Drinking is an attitude.  Anything done in excess or
> > > done in the wrong
> > > mind-set is never good.  Don't drink excessively.
> > > Don't drink to get drunk.
> > >   Drinking wine to compliment a meal that is being
> > > eaten, I think, is fine.
> > > Eating too much makes you sick, too.  Does that mean
> > > that eating is bad?
> > > Even taking too many vitamins isn't good.  That too
> > > gives a bad stomach
> > > ache.
> > >
> > > In Christ,
> > > Christine
> > >
> > >
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