Hi Friends

   For all my previous appraisals at my company, I
used to get very much depressed as I never got what I
expected and some times when I did good work some
people used to ask me whether you copied it from some

  But just now I got an "outstanding" apraisal, though
last few months I didn't have enough good work to
prove myself.

  What does this have to do with titing ??

  Last sunday I gave a part of my last one years
titing which I used to keep on postponing due to
various reasons.

  Bible always says that what ever we get is due to
Gods grace and For me its again a proof of the same.
And I consider this incidence is a call for me to
trust more in God. 

   I feel so happy and I don't have words to express
that. What makes me happy is that I got the "out
standing" which I was expecting from day one.

   Today I have got an increase in my anual gross pay
which is 14 times the amount that I have given as
titing last saturday.

   Praise be to Jesus, and thanks a lot for all of
your prayer support.

Love and Prayers In Jesus and Mary

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