Hi All!

Its hot and humid here in the Gulf. How's the weather in US, India,... .
Well I can feel the mercury rising high in Joynet right now. I guess we need
to cool down.

Its encouraging to see people express themselves freely and defend their
views regarding alcohol. If there are 2 different views (no drinking vs.
moderate drinking) all of us have one common view - we are all against
drunkeness. Now that's unity. So then what can be done unitedly. Remember a
recent mail ASAP(always say a prayer). Why can't we pray for each other. 

Those who are for abstinence(no drinking), pray that those who are drinking
will never get drunk and will lose interest in drinking. Also pray that
their  moderate drinking will not lead someone else to drinking. Also pray
that alcohol will have no place in your lives.

Those who are for temperance(moderate drinking), pray that those who don't
drink will never drink(if u agree to it).

Please note that this mail is not a bottomline to end the discussion. I
would only suggest that personal criticism should be avoided.
For example someone can criticise me by saying 'How can someone write about
temperature when the topic being discussed is drinking'. If I read this
line, I'll understand that you are talking about me, I'll get the message u
are trying to convey and also my point will be criticised without my name
being mentioned. I feel this way no one might get hurt. 
PS: In the mail above, drinking refers to alcohol consumption.

Thanks and to God be all the glory.

George Fernandes

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