Praise the Lord

On Sundays I do give a share to the Lord,even though it doesn't measure up
to 10%. A couple of days ago I decided to donate a certain amount for
charity. This was with no intention of expecting something back from the
Lord. Infact I haven't yet donated the amount, but just decided to do it.
Today morning I received a gift from God in the form of an additional hike,
which was totally unexpected.

So I believe God will shower his blessings in his mysterious ways once we do
something for good. I have felt this many times in my life.

with prayers
pradeep joseph

----- Original Message -----
From: Sibi Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 12:20 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] Tithe

> Praise the Lord!
> It was really nice to see the mails on Tithing. Thanks to Dr. Sindhu for
initiating the discussion.
> Everybody was emphasizing the fact that the Lord will give back more than
what we give to him as tithe. It is absolutely true. But, too much of
emphasize on this receiving back is not good I think. I personally believe
that we have no right to expect to receive back what we give as tithe.
Setting apart tithe is one of the first and foremost Christian duties and it
should be complied without fail. It is upto our good Lord to decide whether
to give it back to us or not. Let us do our duty and let the Lord decide the
> All glory be to the Lord the most high.
> Love, Sibi
> ---
> The lord is the strength of my life Ps 27:1
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> Sibi Joseph
> Ahmedabad, India
> Tel: 079 685 7974
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