Hello Family,

What a beautiful mail from our brother Josun.Really each and every thought 
is enriching..esp
".....This year I've taken only one resolution. To live in obedience to my 
parents. To love them and accept them as they are. I've challenged my self, 
that I won't succumb to the provocations I may get from them. This year I 
want to be a saint at home! Lol:)......."

Why don't  we also try to do that..."a saint at home" ???............
Sounds great;but needs lot of grace.

"If you want your dreams to be build it slow and surely;
Small beginnings greater ends simple joy o, holy....
Day by day stone by stone build your secrets slowly,
Day by day you'll grow too, you'll know heaven's glory."
          (From the film 'Bro Sun,Sis Moon':Song of St.Francis assissi)

Dear josun,thankyou so much for this mail.And Thank you Jesus for loving us 
thru josun.
God bless you.

In JOY ful communion with Jesus,

From: "Josun Jose Nellanikat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JOYnet] Thankyou all & God Bless!!
Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2001 06:10:11 +0000

Hi friends,

Thank you so much for the avalanche of emails and goodwill that I received
for my birthday. (about 213 greetings this morning!lol:) ) I thank the lord
for each one of you.

Yesterday, I went to church and had my confession. After that, I sat for
about 4 hours or so in the church just reminiscing about my past life. I
went back to the time I could remember when I was in nursery, teenage, youth
etc.. I was going over the different incidents both good and not so good
that had occurred in my life all these years. In all these incidents I
discovered that there was a common link, each experience led me to another,
and it continued till yesterday when I was sitting in the church!! I
realized that it was those past experiences and decisions I made that have
brought me till where I am today. Those struggles, those pains, those joys,
It was those meat grinding experiences that brought me closer to the Lord!
Tears were streaming down my face as I just thanked the lord everything.

Then my mind went back to a different stratosphere! I started thinking of my
loving parents, the sacrifice they both made for me.(& my 5 younger
siblings!) I recalled the number of times I blamed them, disobeyed them,
hurt them. Many times I had compared my parents to those of others.
Yesterday I thanked the lord for my parents, For the gift of life they gave
me. If they hadnt exercised their free will, the way they did at that God
ordained moment, Josun Jose would never have been!! (how catastrophic!!).

Ive been in the habit of making birthday resolutions and breaking them.
This year Ive taken only one resolution. To live in obedience to my
parents. To love them and accept them as they are. Ive challenged my self,
that I wont succumb to the provocations I may get from them. This year I
want to be a saint at home! Lol:).

Once again I thank each one of you dear ones, for your love and support.
Indeed I have grown after becoming a joynetter!.(I still am growing!lol:) Do
continue praying for me.

Jesus in me loves you all!

Josun Jose

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