Dear All,

Thanks for your lovely messages wishing me for my birthday. Well the
celebration is this evg. with @ 20-25 people coming to my place. Physically
you might not make it but spiritually you can attend my b'day
celebration.There'll be a Bible Study and then dinner. I'll be sharing also
as its my birthday and this is what I'll be speaking about this evg.

The topic is LIFE

Where did we get our life from? From our parents. Ans where did they get it
from? Inevitably one goes back to Eden & the creation of man. Gen.2:7
says,'And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground & breathed into
his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul'.

If we look at the kinds of life, there are 3 kinds of life the Bible speaks

1. Physical Life : which was given to man at the time of creation (see verse
above). Actually I am celebrating my physical birthday today. We are all
concerned of our physical life and we take care of our body well. We make
the most of our life and enjoy it with our fly. and friends.

2. SPIRITUAL LIFE: This is the second kind of life. John 4:24 says,'God is
spirit and His worshippers must worship in Spirit and in truth.'
Actually all religions talk about spiritual life. So whats the difference
between our worship and that of a Muslim, Hindu,...
I believe its the word TRUTH in the above verse. And what's this Truth. The
truth is JESUS. In John 14:6 Jesus says,"I'm the Way, the Truth and the
Life. No one comes to the Father except through me". Jesus is our way to our
Father in heaven. Jesus is the truth without whom our worship is incorrect.
And by His death and resurrection He has given us a New Life. Actually we
all have a spiritual birthday also and that is the day when we accept Jesus
personally as our Lord and Saviour.

3. ETERNAL LIFE: You all know that I am not a citizen of Qatar, but I'm here
to work and earn well so that I can go back to my nation India and then
settle there. Similarly this earth is not our permanent settlement. We are
citizens of heaven(Phil.3:20) who are to use this life as an oppurtunity to
be eligible for the eternal life in heaven. Only Jesus and no one
else(Acts4:12) is our visa to heaven/eternal life so that we can testify
'For we know that when this tent we live in - our body here on earth - is
torn down, God will have a house in heaven for us to live in, a home He
Himself has made, which will last forever.'

The Purpose of Life?
To conclude I have a question. Where do you wish to spend eternity? There
are 2 great eternities. We must choose one or the other. There is no neutral
1.The blessed privilege of living forever with the Lord Jesus in heaven.
2.The terrible anguish of living forever with Satan in a burning hell.
The purpose of Life is to let you personally choose the abiding place of
your soul.

Thank you very much for reading my friends. May be it was a bit long for
reading, but u see I'm going to speak it out this evg which will take, I
guess @10 mins.

May God lead you.

George Fernandes.

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