Dear Jys ,

This what i had to say .Put forward your suggestions

Good day

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Welchy 
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 1:23 PM
Subject: RE: service team

Dear Mathew,

Here some  issues I have personally encountered & i am
putting them in points.
Too many forwarded mails ..(Infact i have 84 unread
mails in my account) .I hope the parable net makes a
difference now .Imagine a person in the cyber cafe
planning to read all mails....Its such a sorry
plight.!!!!!!!.I could imagine my self when I as on
leave for 3 weeks . 
Some offensive mails .We have many people of other
sects like new life,born again etc .etc.We need to
really be  careful of what we say so that they are not
hurted in any way .-& in this case if some one is
offended unintentionally , i think we should take up
the initative to write to the person personally. 
People getting bored of the same topic. -keeping  one
particular topic for a maximum of  4 days or so.We
shouldn't keep dragging the topic for days together. 
Respond to mails -Really important!!!!People then
understand that we read & appreciate their mails  
Throwing up  challenging qts like CC, JPM does !-Keeps
your mind at spiritual work, even when ones  schedule
is hectic 
Getting  personal with other members at Joynet -Some
at JOynet have a impression that all of us  are highly
spiritual people & that they r no match for us  on the
Jynet.I think we need to get really personal ...making
them aware of that all of us are no extraordinary
people .  
Can have a counseling  cell or something like that
-which helps people  who r in need of spiritually &
I wish all birthday notifications that i receive not
knowing who the other person is.If these notifications
can carry some details of a person that would definely
make a difference ..what say?????? 
Yes!!! There are times like people don't understand
abbreviations.Infact ,I don't understand them most of
the times  ;-) 
We need to encourage more of testimonies . 
& finally as As we are Joynet Service team...Lets
endeavor to give JOYnetters "Personalized Service ":-)

I dont really know if these points are practical  & if
they  make sense .But this is what i had in mind.
& now that we all in the mood of giving give me something on welcome mails
I have a query??? do we ask  people the reason when
they unsubscribe from the joynet .??????

Keeping Jynet in my personal prayers

Yours in Jesus & Mary 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Mathew Joseph 
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 9:56 PM
Subject: service team

Hello Service team friends,

Just thought of giving some statistics :-)

Between 20-July and 05-Aug, 48 people joined JOYnet.
But the JOYnet strength is increased only by 21.
That means, 27 people unsubscribed from JOYnet during
this period.
Due to some thing or the other reason, we could not
make these 
people feel home in JOYnet !!!!   
(This data is as per the intro forms)

Is this a matter of concern??   
An area where we need to pray...  Also an area for us
to improve.

Another thing is....  When I look into the members
there are many non-indians.  But we have very few
non-indians and
non-keralites active in JOYnet...   

Does it mean that we need to change our style and
Does it mean that non-indians (non-keralites too) find
difficult to understand and relate to what we talk in

Welchy, Lukas, Patrick.... please give your valuable
suggestions in this regard..
Please tell us how we can improve JOYnet so that
people from 
different countries feel free to partcipate in the
And how we can build a real global ministry...
Please feel free to correct us...

Others please share your opinion about this.

Mathew Joseph
Bangalore, India.

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