Dear All,

It was the night of 14th August 1997, Indians all over were celebrating 50
years of Indian Independance. I was working in Kuwait then, but happened to
be on vacation that time. I was all set to make a grand celebration,
starting late in the evg. Started out with friends and went to a bar.
Finished at one place and then went to another bar. We were boozing, even as
it was midnight and there was shouting and dancing all around. India
completes 50 years of freedom. Finally when I reached my building I was
drunk, but not enough to go home and sleep. So I stood on the road and began
acting like a 'bhai' - that's the Mumbai word for a gangster. I stopped and
confronted a cab driver and then a car driver. The car driver was about to
charge on me, but I managed to keep things restricted to words and not

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