Are you Syrian or Latin? _ Achayan
With ref. to George Fernandez letter Call for Unity-
Catholic and Protestant can find unity in Christ.- I
must say, it is a very good article.

I wish and pray that day of one Shepard and one flock
will come true. But be realistic; look at what is
happening in the church- catholic, orthodox,
protestant, Pentecostal alike

Our beloved H.H.Pope john Paul, is trying hard to
unite the churches, but the leaders talking loud for
ecumenism, just do the opposite, only words-no deeds.
In fact they are quite happy to stay divided the
church for their survival, and to be served rather be
a servant of Christ. -In luxury, living a pompous
life, they are like little kings. They are least
interested in the spiritual welfare of the flocks.
(I am not generalizing all; there are exceptions, so
pardon me).

Let me tell you what happened in our parish, (not
mentioning the name) which is a large parish in the
Middle East. We are here as exiles, most of us are
poor laborers, working in the desert heat, came here
just for a living- You people dont know the real
hardship here.
Thank God we are given freedom to worship in this
country (unlike in Saudi Arabia, pls pray for our
brothers there). We had a spirit filled charismatic
prayer group. Satan did not like it, he decided to
split it and he won.
Small number of people in the group(with selfish
motives) came up with the idea of having Sero-malabar
Holy masses, instead of Latin mass, which is attended
by thousands of believers for many years.
You might ask whats wrong with that?
I will tell you, now the community is divided, going
their own way. They are dividing Christ, thanks to the
leaders; I mean the leaders here and the Bishops in
Kerala, supporting the division. I dont think it is
true sprit guided their action.
Whenever we meet in the church, now everyone asking
each other, are u Syrian, Latin,or Malankara---????
(I know this letter will make few annoyed, I know I
will get few beatings for this), 
But, JYguys, you are the future of the church, you
should stand up and stay united, in one body, the
mystical body of our only ONE LORD, Jesus Christ, and
Remember also there is only one Eucharist.
Let us pray for unity in the church, as Jesus prayed
in john 17; 11(That they may be One as we are)
He wants us to be united as a powerful witness to the
reality of Gods love. Try to help to unite the various
parts of the body of Christ-the church. Work together
in humility; refuse to get sidetracked by division,
brought by Satan
With prayers Achayan

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