Hello Joynetters,
I always read Achayans mails with much appreciation and try to mould mysself
eachday.  But yesterday's mail really shocked me and I read and re-read it
with disbelief in my eyes.  I couldn't believe it was Achayans.  Yes, we
have every right to freedom of expression in A FREE INDIA and JOYNET.  But,
when we want to be a critic, especially to our reverend Seniors in the
renewal, let us write to them personally and not in the Joynet.  I am sorry,
I am no one to advise you.  Achaya, do continue to
inspire us with your little thoughtful and youthful messages.
Let's continue enjoying the JOYNET.
Annie JOHN, Kochi, India.

---- Original Message -----
From: "joshua paul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 1:35 AM
Subject: [JOYnet] Eddy chettan's coconuts-Achayan

> Eddy chettan's coconuts-Achayan
> Hi eddy chetto,
> I saw the appreciation of the JY web site, including
> the Bishop of Kanjirappally.
> I see the changing face of the Youth but dont see
> many changes in some of your web pages.
> Its high time you change the metaphor to convey your
> valuable message.
> Like me, so many of us are counting your coconuts
> since jan.2001. Its time for a change, may be an
> update.
> But eddy, let me advice you, if  you dont take it
> personal and as an offence.
> I come from a family of coconut growers, but the
> situation of the coconut farmers in Kerala is
> pathetic, there is no coconuts to count.No more
> climbers to pluck them, no more moopanmar to
> supervise. Your metaphor is a nostalgic dream from the
> past.
> The coconut culture is dying in Kerala, it is no more
> the national tree of Kerala, and we import coconut
> from Tamil Nadu and Srilanka.
> Pest called manderi infest the trees, from north to
> south, all the trees are dying, and the livelihood of
> many farmers are in ruin.
> In this scenario, I feel, your metaphor has not much
> of meaning.
> Rather you could explain to the JY youth, the musical
> rhythm of the Toddy harvesters, beating tapping the
> spathe of the coconut tree.
> (Toddy, if JY youngsters dont know, is the sweet
> sap-an alcoholic drink, obtained by tapping the spathe
> of the tree.)
> Now most of the farmers are giving their trees for
> harvesting Toddy.
> (I must admit its real natural; clean, sweet,
> alcoholic drink- but Hi JY guys dont pick on this,
> already you had enough discussion on drinking).
> Forgive me eddy, Achayan may be a fool, not a wise man
> to understand the meaning of the spiritual rhythm,
> try to express your ideas in simple language, rather
> in your powerful eloquence.
> BTW.Fr Pallis letter-Is it meant to wish a Merry Xmas
> till the end of millennium??
> Will we able to march on till the end?
> A simple, not very bright, Achayan
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