Hi Netters,

I'd like to share in the JOYnet something that happened during my vacation 
last month. Something where the good God showed that he cares for His 

It was a Saturday morning around 6 O'Clock, when the phone rang and I picked 
up the receiver. It was a relative of mine telling, "Bella aunty was found 
fallen on the side of the road and is now lying unconscious in our house'. 
Bella aunty is my wife's grand-aunty. I woke up my friend (who also is my 
wife's sister's husband) and we went to where Bella aunty was lying. She was 
all cold as she had been lying out in the cold for over an hour. She is 
around 75 years old was on her way to church (she was a frequent church 
goer). She could not even speak. We took her to the nearest hospital and 
there on examination we found that she had an injury at the back of the 
head, an impact of the fall. The nurses gave the necessary first aid and the 
doctor adviced us to keep her there under observation for another 3 hours to 
check for possible concussion symptoms like vomitting, etc. 3 hours went by 
and nothing happened. She did not regain conciousness and so the doctor 
adviced for her to be taken to the Trivandrum Medical College. We did so and 
the doctors asked for some tests to be done - ECG, BP, etc. She was then 
transferred to the ward, and a day later the doctor adviced for a CT Scan to 
be done to check for possible damage to the brain. The CT scan confirmed 
that she had 2 broken nerves. The doctors said that they could not operate 
owing to her very old age and so prescribed a number of medicines. For 
almost 2 weeks she lived on just medicines and Glucose with no improvement. 
Later her body could not intake anymore glucose and also the nurses found it 
hard to trace a vein to inject any medicine. She was discharged from the 
hospital and the discharge sheet said "Discharged against medical advice" 
which is a formality by doctors there to keep off from any responsibility in 
case the patient dies. Our parish priest was taken to the hospital bed to 
give her the 'avastha' her last sacrament. On hearing the prayer of the 
priest my friend felt inside him that Bella aunty would survive. The 
sacramental prayer was powerful. The Medical College had referred the 
patient to our local government hospital. When checking with the local 
hospital and showing the discharge sheet to the doctor there he said that 
there was nothing they could do and so they could not accept her there. With 
no other choice we took her home. All medication was stopped. We started 
feeding her with liquid food like gruel, coconut water, and medically 
adviced additional liquid nutrients. She had a rosary kept in her hand and 2 
to 3 days after coming home we noticed her moving the beads one by one. 
Later she could open her eyes and recognize people and talk, but was still 
very weak. Now she talks with no problems, remembers well and body parts are 
functioning well. The only thing she cannot do now is get on her feet. By 
God's grace we feel that in a couple of weeks she will be back on her feet.

I thank our good God for the care He has been bestowing on Bella aunty and 
on all of us whom He loves. Our Father is full of love. He is love alone. 
Praise be to Him forever.

Regards in Christ,

Samji / Dubai

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