Hi All,
> I was forwarded a mail from a member of your group
"Are you Syrian or Latin". written by a person named
Achayan. I signed up as a member of JOYNET, to say
something in this regard.
> The Church is called Catholic. Why? She is the
> universal Sacrament of salvation of our Lord Jesus.
> The Universality expresses itself in welcoming to
> the
> Church's bosom all who ask for salvation. This
> welcome
> transcends all that distinguishes one man from
> another.
> As St. Paul says, she unifies all in her beloved
> spouse, Christ, regardless of their background.
> Whether a person is " Jew or Greek, Freeman or
> Slave,
> Male or female" the Church unites him/her with the
> Lord.
> But this unity does not in any way imply uniformity.
> The Church is Catholic in the sense  that it
> welcomes
> all. Christ manifests Himself through the Church
> among
> all people, and this manifestation take the
> socio-cultural background into account. Each people
> will try to grasp the mystery of salvation through
> their own background. Insofar as this attempt to
> depict the mystery of salvation through a particular
> cultural background conforms with the unity of faith
> confessed by the Universal Church, She encourages
> such
> attempts to identify with and preserve the unique
> cultural identities of that background.
> Achayan says there is only one Eucharist. True,but
> is
> that the Eucharist according to the Latin Rite? Why
> can't the Syrian rite re-present the Lord's banquet?
> Will Achayan say that The Syrian Rite, approved and
> promulgated by the Holy See is not inspired by the
> Spirit to the degree that of the  Latin Mass ?
> This anonymous person who hides behind the psuedonym
> of Achayan, speaks the language of liturgical
> colonialists, when he says that the Satan divided
> the
> prayer group through people who wanted to celebrate
> the Lord's mystery according to the rite in which
> that
> mystery was revealed to them.
> True, Satan acted - through the diehard people who
> propounded that uniformity is synonymous with unity.
> Their proud selves prevented them from according the
> same dignity to the Lord's Table, when it was
> celebrated in a different format. Whether the table
> is
> squre or round or what not,(JOKE), it is the Lord's
> table as long as HIS Body and Blood are present on
> it.
> Prayer groups, Charismatic movements, Rites, and
> people will pass away, but The Lord's Word and His
> Church will endure forever. The one who prides in
> himself that he knows the will of the Spirit better
> than the Church is in grave error and he commits the
> serious offence of sacrilage, when he imputes
> Satan's
> work to the Annointed Pastors of the Church. We have
> nothing to pride ourselves in. Our only pride is in
> humiliation of the Cross. It is folly in the eyes of
> the world, yet this folly elevates us from the world
> to His presence who has given us the great gift of
> being the Children of God.
>  Kindly forward this mail to the  group to which
> Achayan belongs. I am not afraid of revealing my
> name,
> for if it means to be a Christian, the first thing
> it
> means is to be courageous while bearing witness to
> the
> Truth.
> Love and prayers
> Alphus Pathrose, Kochi, india

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