Hi all,

I just wanted to share some thoughts I had about the
humiliation of the Cross. This topic has never ceased
to wonder me.

He, who was in the form of God, didn't think it
something to be coveted, but emptied himself to take
up the form of a slave, and  humbled himself even unto
the death on the Cross. We observe the rememberence of
this every time we celebrate Eucharist.
But do we reflect upon this? HE gave us an example of
love by washing the feet of the disciples, a slave's
job. He commanded us to do the same and said that the
love which one offer by emptying oneself will be the
sign by which others will recognise HIS disciples.

Does we pay heed to this great command? Only if one
empties himself more as one grows, Holy Spirit can
pour Himself more into that person.

Are we vessels who grow by thickening our walls? Only
if we throw out more of our selves by carving away the
 walls of our selves, the Spirit can pour Himself more
into us. Remeber, a vessel can hold only as much as
the emptiness in it.

Love to All

In Christ

Alphus Pathrose, Kochi, India

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