Hello Everyone
When the welcome mails became like 'batches' as in our accounting programs
( myself being accountant) initially I felt kind of put off. But then I
guessed may be it was done to reduce the number of mails, with all of us
receiving on a average minimum 15 mails in JOYnet itself. For instance this
mail on which I am replying, in the old method would had made ten new mails
in your inbox.

I go through these welcome messages normally to check if I know any one of
I have seen some of the older members welcoming new members, if they knew
them personally. Why don't we make that a custom in our JOYnet. Now from the
welcome message of 23rd August I know Mr. Densil Vincent Panath. So here is
some more about him for all you at the JOYnet.

I know Densil from Dubai. I met him at one of the JY gathering at Sharjah
for the first time. A cheerful, loving person. He is committed to  his
Family, Church(JY) and work, balancing all three and not letting one take
over the other. I remember Densil very well because he was one of the very
few who took pain to meet everyone at our gathering. He became an active JY
only after coming to Dubai. Presently he is working as a marketing executive
for a multinational company.
Mini (Annamma is what Densil calls her :)) his wife is an active JY from
Kozhikode zone. She was a JY Full timer. Steve I think is now one year old.
I am happy that Densil is a member of our Joyful net. Looking forward to
hearing more from you Densil. Welcome to our JOYnet.

Regards and prayers
Fujairah, UAE.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of welchy fernandes
Sent: 23 August 2001 13:35
Subject: [JOYnet] NEW Faces at JOYNET

Densil Vincent Panath is a   jesus youth from Dubai
UAE Email:
Meet annama his wife & son Steve Densil

Shalom !!!! Shalom!!!! to u all at the JOynet.
Lets all cheer these new members band together with
Joynet family.

Yours Sister  in Jesus

Welchy f

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