"Dear Father Almighty,

As we mourn for all the people who died in the attack, many of whom woke up
with no prayer or thought of You on their hearts, we ask You to extend the
full portion of Your Mercy on their souls, even upon the souls of the
perpetrators of this horrible crime. We also beg of you to send the Holy
Spirit, the Comforter, into the lives of their surviving relatives and
friends. You, Father, and You alone, have the power to bring good out of

We humbly implore you to guide the hands, feet, and minds of all rescue
workers, police and fire workers, and members of the military who are
responding to this crisis at this very moment. Protect them. Enlighten them.
Help them save lives.

We ask, too, Almighty One, that You extend a blanket of divine protection on
the United States at this critical time. Guide our leaders, especially
President Bush, and all sovereign nations who are our friends, and place them
under the special mantle of the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady, who is the
patroness of our country.

We ask all of this in the Holy Name that is Above All Other Names in Power and
Glory and Love and Mercy; in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, our brother,
and Our Savior.

(A  prayer from Catholiccity)

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