Dear JYs,
When we pray we depend only on the Mercy of God, which
we can claim through Jesus Christ, that has no limit.
There is no Sin that can't be paid by the blood Jesus.
The VALUE of Jesus' blood makes us kneal infront of
the Father for Mercy.
So have confidence in Him when we pray.
Nothing is soo difficult for Him

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow
of death,[1] I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me"
[Psalm 23:4]
The above verse comforted me Last Tuesday.
I work in Manhattan just a mile away from the World
Trade Center.

With lots of love and prayers
Saji, NJ, USA

--- Smiju Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> God bless you all.
> Hi friends,
> Mathew asked as all to pray for America and for the
> terrorists.
> Ya! it was a nice idea and that day itself I prayed.
> For America I prayed with utter consentration and
> with
> my full strength.
> For terrorists I prayed, but my heart was vacant.
> Something I said to God, but my heart was away from
> it
> all. Why ?
> I searched for answer and concluded in to a point.
> For me it is somewhat easy to love my enemies and is
> easy to pray for them.
> But it is not easy to love or pray for my friend's
> enemy. It is easy to say, but practicaly it is
> difficult for me pray for this terrorists. I can
> pray
> for them, but not from my heart. I know it is my
> negative side. If somebody can help me, please
> share.
> with lots of lov & prayers
> smiju joseph, abu dhabi
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