Dear Joynetters,
Last Sunday my husband had gone in the morning to give a talk for a youth
leaders training in a church in the city.  He was back home in the
afternoon, and was getting ready to go to our parish youth prayergroup. And
my son very unusually started crying very loudly and reached outside the
gate with him.  I was very distrubed seeing this, and I requested John to
stay back since Isaac was seeing him only on Sundays and half the day was
already over.  John was a bit angry but he abided by the request and changed
to his home clothes.  Since it was my son's sleeping time he slept very soon
in peace.  I was feeling very guilty, so I asked John to go back to the
prayergroup,but John went to sleep.
In the next five minutes there was a phone call from John's aunty asking
John to reach the hospital immediately as his uncle was very sick.  If John
was away I couldn't have helped much because I am not well for the past few
weeks (with dizziness, weakness, and less blood-please do pray)
What do you call this?  Coincidence or the Lord working through little
children.  Because I and John feel that we both are very lazy people and are
of hardly any use,
especially to our parents and relatives.
Praise God!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Biju Antony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 4:54 PM
Subject: [JOYnet] No War Please!

> No War Please!
> The world is under the shadow of another war.
> Any war is a crime and there is no end victory in a war.
> Only the common people will be affected by the war.
> The earth is a very sensitive planet. Every war will affect the
> Animals, trees and man will be badly effected by war.
> We have the right to live in this planet peacefully.
> It is not right to punish the innocent people for the crime of a few.
> Let us pray to our Lord to give the wisdom and knowledge to the world
> to take good decision and to avoid a war.
> Biju Antony / JY-Kuwait.
> --
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