Day 4: 27 October 2001

"To the mission fields"

Today, Toms Michael from Trivandrum and team led the Morning Prayer session.
We began the praise and worship by wishing each other peace in the name of
the Lord. The session went off beautifully and ended by 8.00am.

>From 8.10 to 8.45 we listened to various speakers.

Pradiba from Gujarat related her conversion experience. Her testimony
inspired the whole crowd to pray in a special way for the state of Gujarat.
This was a good introduction to the theme of the day 'To the mission fields'

Mathew Joseph, JOYnet ministry co-ordinator from Bangalore spoke about the
virtual community of JOYneters.

Giju George, the Jesus Youth web-administrator from Chennai spoke about the
Jesus Youth web site. The site is the virtual face of Jesus Youth, he said.

He described the Internet as a very powerful media to reach out to the
younger generation of this world. He gave the JY website address and
illustrated the different features of the JY website.

Babychayan, the animator of JYNT (Jesus Youth National Team) spoke next. He
travels extensively in India and he meets the struggling Jesus Youth in
different parts of India to encourage them and to be with them.

8.45- Breakfast. Simultaneously, the Joynet members participating in the
Conference gathered backstage. It was a lively and very friendly gathering.
We introduced ourselves, shared our e-mail ids, and shared about how the
JOYnet community has helped each one of us to grow in Jesus. Many shared
their future plans to help the community grow.

At 9.30 Bishop Joshua Mar Ignathiyous from Trivandrum .
He spoke for forty-five minutes. He appreciated the efforts of the Jesus
Youth Volunteers and the principal of St. Joseph's College, Sr. Vijaya
without whose efforts the Conference would not have been possible. A short
musical session followed.

At 10.40 Fr.Dheeraj Sabu IMS started the session on Mission, he said that
love is the origin and the reason behind mission work. The motivation behind
the salvific mission of Jesus Christ is also love. The theme of Ecclesia in
Asia is centered on the same topic "Jesus Christ the Saviour and His Mission
of Love and Service".  Mission is the essence of Christianity, he said. He
led us through evangelistic history of the Church. He spoke about Neo
Evangelism and its need to be rooted in love. This love means respecting
another person's conscience and beliefs.

11.45 In the Acts of the Apostles we find the Holy Spirit warning them not
to go to Asia, but now through the mouth of the Holy Father the Holy Spirit
is prompting us to evangelise Asia. This is how Alicekutty chechi responded
to the session by Fr. Dheeraj.

11.55 Kairose the Jesus Youth magazine is facing a financial crisis, and we
need to help by subscribing to the magazine, this point was brought out well
by Mr. Chackochan Njavally.

12.15 We celebrated the Holy Eucharist, the main celebrant was Fr. Dheeraj
Sabu. In his sermon he spoke about how symbols are important in
evangelisation, he stressed on the need for Incultration, for evangelisation
to be effective.   We had intercessory prayers in Bengali, Hindi, Marathi,
Assamese, Gujarathi, Kannada and Brahma.  The offertory was very colourful.
Gifts were offered by the representatives of all the  Indian states together
with the representatives of the zones of Kerala.

2.00 Lunch.

2.45 The participants gathered in groups based on their zones or states, to
discuss and chart out the future plans for the zones and states.

At 4.30pm Jomon, the Kerala Youth Co-ordinator summed up the content of the
zonal sessions. He made it clear that it was important to grow in a small
community. Every Jesus Youth has to be a part of a prayer group.

5.00pm We joined the parishioners of St.Thomas Cathedral for a grand
procession in Irinjalakkuda, in honour of Mother Mary. After which Major
Archbishop Mar Jacob Thoonkuzhy gave the concluding message.

After supper we had the 'Grand Finale' animated by the Rex Band. In between
there was an action song by all the children who came for the conference.
Youth from the different parts of India can in their costumes and performed
various artforms.

The program ended with the mass at 11.30PM

For detailed reports and photos visit:

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