Dear folks, 
 As we have been informed  by Adv.shiny/Alexy(cochin)- regarding filing a case
against abortion in the high court here in cochin ,Things have started moving
at a fast pace after shiny's sharing/request for prayers at the Jesus Youth
2001 gathering .
 Past few days they(Mr.Sunny/alexy/shiny) have busy running around meeting various
MLA's and Ministers of the State and also several of our church leaders and
Bishops. And now the situation is - on the 12th when the Assembly(MLA's and
Ministers sitting) gathers at Trivandrum - this issue will be taken up there.
Also the Bishops have promised to take up this issue during the Bishop's synod
,which is to take place in the coming days here.
 Alexy n shiny along with (Savio,Veronica and Rosa) were scheduled to leave
for Agra(Mission center) on saturday 3rd. However , to complete the work they
have begun regarding this Case - they have postponed their travel.
Please continue to keep them in your prayers  - that God's kingdom will be established

Berly Earnest/Cochin

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