Dear JOYnetters

Following is an article from Fr. Thomas Mathew currently in Manila, 

sebastian thomas

"All who believe in the Son of Man will have eternal life and I will raise 
them to life again on the Last Day"   John 6.10

In the Philippines the First of November, All Saints Day, is celebrated as 
All Souls day. This has a  cultural  intonation than an ecclesiastical 
dimension. The whole of the Philippine Archipelago celebrates the First of 
November as the day to remember their dead relatives and friends although 
the Church  insists and teaches that the First of  November is All saints 
day. Somehow the Church has cooperated with the traditions and culture of  
the people. (I am trying to refresh my memories as I am in this wonderful 
country the pearl of the Oreint.)

On the 30th of October Sr. Carmela, the Mother General of a Congregation who 
was my former parishioner in Manila, asked me to celebrate Mass at the Tomb 
of her parents. I  remember anointing her mom as her Mother was in critical 
stage. On the 31st eveneing, Sr, Carmela came with a car and  her nephew 
drove us to the cemetery. The traffic in the Philippines, especially in 
Manila is beyond anyone's imagination.  I think there are more cars than the 
capacity of the roads and  the  traffic system  needs to be revamped. It 
seems that no one likes to stop at the red light.


As we reached the Cemetery at Caloocan City, at the suburb of Manila, we had 
to drive through narrow roads where children played  unmindful of the cars , 
jeepeneys( jeepneys are special to the Philipines. They are special jeeps 
and very colorful. The jeepneys are well decorated and this is the common 
man's transportation. The Jeepneys  reminds one of  the colorful Island 
culture of the Philippines. I think the attraction to colors and sound is 
very common among the Islanders. At times, I have to leave some of the 
jeepneys because of sound pollution. The drivers keep the speakers full 
blast and that hurts me so I had to leave two jeepneys even yesterday that 
pligh along Tandang Sora route, in Quezon City.( I love this land and  
culture so the comments I make are in no way intended to downgrade the 
Filipino culture. I am trying to state what I  observe.)

At one point as we were driving to the cemetry, the  driver stopped for a 
couple of minutes as two young girls sat in the midle of the  already 
crowded street, playing in the mud. One has to be mindful that we were in 
one of the poorer and crowded sections.   I  admire the patience of the 
driver. Although many cars, trucks, and tricyles were sounding horns , the 
children were not affected and we waited till the children got off the road 
and then continued the journey. On either side of the street, leading to the 
cemetry there were flower shops, food stalls, candles for sale, and I  
enjoyed watching them as I was away for more than a decade from this culture 
on this particular day.

We reached the gate to the cemetry and the cemetry might be more than  
hundred acres of land. The whole cemetry was filled with tombs. There were 
even people living on top of the  tombs. Some of the squatters found place 
among the dead. I think people are not mindful of the dead anymore. The 
children walked unafraid of the cemetery atmosphere and Mother Carmela 
reflected " I think these children live in this place,because they seem to 
be quite at peace with this place"

We reached the tomb of Motehr Carmela's parents.That was a huge musolium,as 
big as a house even with two comfort rooms (The CR is for the family members 
who visit the tomb.) There was a care taker for this tomb. The inside of the 
musolium was clean and  well lit.
There was an altar too.  We were suposed to start the celebraton of the Holy 
Mass at 6.30 PM but  we were the only people from that family at that time.  
Mother Carmela recieved a text message in her cell phone. ( The Filipino 
peole like to send text messages than to speak  through the cell phone.  To 
send a text mesage costs only One dollar per transmission) The messsage read 
that the rest of the family is on their way. We waited. One of her sisters 
and her husband who is  medical doctor appeared at 8.30 P.M. The rest of the 
family came by 9.45 P.M and we started the Mass  near the tomb. The passers 
by paused for a while and mentioend " They have a priest' which meant that 
the others were not able to get a priest to go with them to their relatives 

In that huge cemetry there are rich and poor and the poor  are burried in 
the ground and the rich have even  air conditioned tombs.  There is a 
Chinese cemetry nearer to the one we were in and  some of the tombs look 
like mansions and most of them are Air Conditioned too. I dont say that the 
tombs are air conditioned rather the musolium  is Air Conditioned.

By the time we finished the Holy Mass, it was late and  I was surprised to 
see vendors inside the cemetry. There were children sleeping on the tombs 
and all kinds of vehicles were in the cemetry.

The next day in the morning I set out for "Himlayang Filippino",another 
cemetry  situated in my former Parish. I was given a lift by the driver of 
the parish priest and the Parish priest was saying Mass in the Cemetry 
Chapel like what I did last night. This time when we went to the cemetry, 
the people from the parish had food packed.

It is customary for the Filippino people to bring along food to the cemetry. 
They eat and drink including alcohol in the cemetry. People play cards and 
have  their radios and it is like a fiesta ground.  I felt that the dead  do 
not  feel lonely in the Filippino cemeteries at least once an year. People 
sit the whole day there  telling stories and praying for the dead. I think 
the dead people are briefed of every development in the family once an year 
as the whole family comes to the cemetery. There could be  grand children 
and  other relatives the deceased have never seen..

It was interesting that as I was walking through the cemetry looking for the 
graves of the people I have burried, people , many parishioners recognized 
me and started requesting me to pray for their relaties.

I do remmber gratefully visting the tomb of Mr and Mrs Rafael Hizon. They 
loved me  as one of their children. It was Mrs. Hizon who built the Church  
at Culiat where I was.  I was not able to come to her funeral in 1999. In 
1999 Mrs Hizon whom I used to Call Mommy Hizon, died at the age of eighty 
eight. In 1998 she  accompanied me to the Manila Air port and she asked me " 
Will I see you Again"  and she cried. She kised me good bye and I still 
remember her waving at me as i entered the Air Port. Her comment  was very 
prophetical . I didnt get a chance to see her before she died and this is 
the next chance I got  to close the grief  as  I visited her tomb. I  prayed 
and placed a flower at her tomb. I felt that she came up from the tomb with 
her usual smile telling me " Son I thank you very muich for coming". I felt 
emotional at that moment and even as I write this.

Many other people's tombs I visited. It was very warm that day. Usually it 
rained on the first of Novemebr but this year it was exceptionally warm. I 
returned to my former parish tired  but was not hungry because I had to eat 
with most of the families at  the cemetry. For the Filippino people to 
refuse to partake in their meal is a  big offence. Mindful of their culture 
and spirit, I tasted food  as the families offered me . As I was journeying 
back to my residence, I was wondering when I might get another chance to see 
this day in the Philippines. It took more than a decade to return on this 
special day to this land.

During the evening Mass, I remembered all my deceased friends from the 
parish and  the verse from St. John was a great consolation. " All who 
believe in the Son of Man will have eternal life and I will raise them  
again on the last Day" John 6.10

I celebrated the All soul's day on the First of november in the Philippine 
Islands, a day to remember fondly. I thank God for this
great gift.

Fr Thomas Mathew
Manila , Philipines.

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