Dear Friends,

Thanks Mathew for brining this important things for discussion. 
We all know our Giju's role in this Joy net. he is available 24 hours 
for this joynet and always ready to help us in any problems related 
to Joynet or our web site. We can pray for him specially this days 
so both of them can prepare for a fruitful married life. Giju Invited 
us for the Wedding also, we can book a Airbus and take all joynetrss 
from all around world, but we have to 1crash land at thrissur..
(pazhuvil). what you all think?? 

Any reply for this mail from Roshan???? 

> I have been watching the conversations for a 
> very long time. Prolife movement
> is something which has caught my mind real well.
> Now i would like some help from you.
> what is the church's stand on family planning!

> Roshan Mathew Verghese 

Now anybody remember our discussions on 'family Planning' ??? it was
2 years back we discussed with much details and it went on nearly a month. 
That time joynet membership was only around 100. Now we have another 
550 + members most of them are joined recently. We can have a discussion 
about Family planning. it is one of the relevant issue for a discussion. 
Pro life movers like, Alexy, Shiny, Dr. Sindhu, Dr. jacob, etc can give 
us lot of informations about this. Same time we all can clarify our 
doubts also. What do you all think?

With Love, Suresh
Colombo, Sri Lanka

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