Dear JY friends,
I was reading through many mails these days.
Anita has a problem...Sheril  too...and many are
having desert experience(DE). I too was having DE.By
the way, I am a young JY from Dodoma,Tanzania.My name
is Fr.Simon Nellikunnel working in a technical school
in Tanzania.
This year in the school we had a lot of problems of
teacher committing suicide, two teachers suddenly
resigning, another worker dying of cancer, wife of one
teacher died suddenly,our truck meeting with an
accident etc....Apparently all these are natural
events which are out of our control.I was asking the
question why these things happen to me? I do not get
any answer as such. But what I was reflecting was that
when we are dry and useless, God is making use of us
to reveal His new plans to us.Through troubles God
prepares us to do greater things and makes us
strong.So suffering is a time to gain grace from
God.Through faith,hope,thanks giving, praise and
surrender to God we will be able to over come our
I hope this sharing can help someone.
You are welcome to have your reactions.
Yours friend,
Simon Nelli
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