Dear friends,

Praise God for his faithfulness. He has said he'll never leave us
nor forsake us, and He is faithful enough to keep His promise.
My presentation went well yesterday, i didnot feel tensed and my
sound didnot waver. The judging panel consisted of one of the tough
persons in our company. He said, the presentation was very good, but
he didnot find the contents he expected. And so i was made
conditionally accepted.
That means i have to take in front of the training department (not in
front of VP & PM :- )
again with the additional contents. But i don't feel bad or desp.
Actually i was so happy.
Happy abt the goodness of my Lord.
You, know our Lord is concerned even with the smallest details in our
life. He knew I'll be sad
if i was not accepted, so he made the people in the judging panel say
that - 'your presentation was
very good, very pleasing, but unfortunately,.....'.
I thank all of you for praying for me. Your prayers was a real tower
for me. Especially thanks to those who
mailed me. For the first time, yesterday i prayed for JOYnet :-)

Praise God. He never lets His people be defeated.
You can expect another prayer request when it is time for me to take
in front of the training department :-)

In His grace and love

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