Dear joynet friends

The following is the message from Alexy Shiny on the latest update on
Anti-abortion proceedings.

  a.. Mr. Thomas Unniyadan, MLA is submitting the anti-abortion case in the
assembley tomorrow the 28th between 8.30 am and 10.30 am.  When Mr. Thomas had
gone to Delhi, he had on his own initiative given a letter to Mr. Thakurji,
Central Health Minister to take action from the centre in this regard
  b.. It is found that in the Supreme Court also, a similar case is pending.
Details are awaited.
  c.. Fr.George Panakal of Divine Retreat Centre, Muringoor has asked us to
meet Mr. Francis George, Member of Parliament of Kerala when we go to Delhi.
  d.. We are going to "Santwana", Agra today for a one year committment and we
will be able to access joynet from there. We will post the details of the
proceedings from there in joynet.
  e.. Kindly pray for us.  Mr Sunny will be joining us only after a week.
After he joins us, we are planning to go to Delhi to give a submission in the
  f.. We would like you to keep tomorrow's day as a prayer day by doing
fasting or any other manner of prayer
With love and prayers
Alexy Pallan & Shiny Alexy

With regards
Annie John
Cochin / India

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