A little girl who suffered greatly during thunderstorms was told by her mother to pray 
when she was alarmed. 
One day at the close of a fearful storm she came to her mother with the information 
that praying during the danger brought her no relief. 
"Then," said her mother, "try praying when the sun shines, and see if that will take 
away the fear." 
The child did so, and when another storm was raging she said sweetly:-- 
"Pray when the sun shines is the best way, for I am not the least bit afraid now." 
What a lesson we who are older might learn from this incident! How often do we stay 
away from our Master until the storms of life drive us to Him for shelter and 
If we could only give our best, our brightest days to his service, we would have no 
cause to tremble when the dark hours come on. How very much we miss by not having 
Jesus to go with us through all our earthly pilgrimage! 
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